Ayam Penyet

By HERVINA - May 01, 2017

I'm not really sure to post this recipe because it's a familiar dish in Indonesia, but in this time i just want to share how i make this ayam penyet.

1/4 part of chicken
2 tsp lime juice
1 tempe
3 tofu
1 cup water
vegetables oil (to deep fried)

Paste Ingredients:
5 shallot
3 clove of garlic
3 cm galangal
2 cm turmeric
2 cm ginger
2 candle nut

Herbs Ingredients:
1 lemongrass (smashed)
1 bay leaf
1 kaffir-lime leave

Sambal Ingredients:
10 red chilli
6 cayenne pepper
4 shallot
1 tomato
1 block terasi ABC
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp butter
How to:

  1. Clean the chicken and marinade with lime juice 
  2. Cut tofu & tempe according to taste
  3. Put chicken , tofu and tempe into a sauce pan. Add paste, herbs and water into it.
  4. Cook until the broth evaporated
  5. Heat oil and deep fry chicken, tofu and tempe until golden brown
  6. Place sambal ingredients to blender or food processor for a while, saute sambal until aromatic
  7. Serve ayam penyet with sambal and worm rice

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